journal namesustainability
authorSeongmin Shin, Seongtae Ji
volume (number)13(10)
page number1-13
publication date2021.05
journal nameKorean-Chinese Social Science Studies
authorSeongtae Ji ,Tae-eun Kim
volume (number)61(0)
page number148-175
publication date2021.10
authorChe-hwan Lim, Da-sun Lee, Dong-hwan An, Seongtae Ji
volume (number)Vol.25(2)
page number111-153
publication date2021.11
journal nameInternational Forestry Review
authorSeongtae Ji, Yo-han Lee
volume (number)Vol.23(4)
page number4370447
publication date2022.01
journal name축산시설환경학회지
authorSang-Hoon Lee, Gi Jun Choi, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Hyung Soo Park, Jong Gun Kim and Ki-Won Lee.
volume (number)20(4)
page number189~194
publication date2014
journal nameJournal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
authorJong Geun Kim, Hyung Soo Park, Ji Hea Kim and Han Jong Ko.
volume (number)34(4)
page number234~239
publication date2014
journal nameJournal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
author Jong Geun Kim, Hyung Soo Park, Sang Hoon Lee, Jeong Sung Jung, Ki Won Lee and Han Jong Ko
volume (number)35(2)
page number145-151
publication date2015
journal nameJournal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
authorJong Geun Kim, Hyung Soo Park, Sang Hoon Lee, Jeong Sung Jung and Han Jong Ko.
volume (number) 35(2)
page number87-92
publication date2015
journal nameJournal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
authorong Geun Kim, Hyung Soo Park, Sang Hoon Lee, Meing Joong Kim, Jong Kwan Kim, Young Chul Lim and Eui Soo Chung.
volume (number)35(4)
page number283-289
publication date2015
journal nameJournal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
authorByeong Heoun Moon, Hyung Soo Park, Jong Seo Shin, Byeong Ki Park and Jong Geun Kim.
volume (number)36(1)
page number34-40
publication date2016